Chassis Jig Home Legends Cars Chassis Jig Sponsors




Introducing the most innovative tool for Legends car set-up that you have ever seen.

Set camber                               
Set caster
Set ride height
Square the rear axle
Set toe
Store the car on the Jig
Move the car on the Jig

Price $395.00 plus                    

shipping and handling cost

The chassis Jig is designed to allow you to do a complete set-up while the car is positioned on the Jig. The "How to Guide" that comes with the Chassis Set-up Jig explains the best way to utilize the Jig.  The two components of the Jig hold the car as if it were sitting on its wheels.  The Jig components ride on casters so that you can store the car on the Jig and move it around in the shop. The Jig was built to work with the quick jack that you already own. An extremely accurate method for squaring the rear axle with the front wheels is an important design feature of the HMS Racing Chassis Set-up Jig.  For additional information about the Jig click here.

To Request Additional Information or Order Contact or write 2790 Maple Ridge Dr. Woodbridge, VA 22192 or Phone 703 490-3799.


                               Race Team               Sponsors                 Legends Cars